A literal translation of Boerewors is Farmers Sausage with questionable origins that are thought to be traced back to France. What is not questionable is that it is best grilled slowly over the embers of a fire.

Best Boerewors in Ireland

It is widely available in the UK and Ireland. But only a few have mastered the art of making this artisan sausage. One of those is Furlongs Butchers in Wexford where sausage making is taken seriously and they are well konown for both traditional and spicy gourmet sausages.

Quality stainless steel barbeque Ireland

But unless it is grilled on a genuine quality South African stainless steel drum braai its just another sausage. The real thing. Something you can wheel out into the rain without any qualms and barbeque in style.

South African stainless steel BBQ

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